Streamland Manuka Blend Honey 500g

  • $29.91
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Sent from Auckland

Streamland Manuka Honey Blend is a delicious blend of New Zealand’s unique and special UMF Manuka Honey with other rich and herbaceous New Zealand bush honeys.Streamland

Streamland Manuka Honey Blend contains at least 50% Streamland Manuka Honey. This is combined with bush honey from the native Rewarewa and Kamahi trees to bring you a superior blend with a rich floral flavour.


Contains at least 50% pure New Zealand UMF 5+ Manuka Honey. This is combined with bush honey from the native Rewarewa and Kamahi trees. New Zealand Manuka Honey is gaining worldwide recognition for its unique properties. Rewarewa and Kamahi honeys are high in antioxidants.
